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A parent in our pack seems to be properly linked to their Scout. However, they are reporting they cannot mark the advancements for their Scout.
Scout ID: 12879985
Adult ID: 13309029
The adult and Scout share the same first name. It has struck me as possible that the adult is logging into the Scout’s account. They have a long history with Cub Scouts, so that seems unlikely. Would you check the connection and confirm it is correct?
The parent has another BSA member number (12879986) in the same council that he should be using. I have set it as “primary” at my.scouting → Manage Member ID.
I am familiar with how to change primary number. Is the 13309029 in error? That is the number I see as a pack admin in Scoutbook for the parent. If they switch their account to use the 12879986 as primary, will their Scout “disappear” from that point of view?
I had a bit of weirdness when moving councils and just want to confirm.
I have already fixed things for the parent. The parent does not need to do anything.
12879986 is the number that should be used, because it has a DOB and expired Tiger Adult Partner registrations. This number was probably created when the parent turned in the youth application for the Scout when the Scout was a Tiger.
13309029 is a number with no DOB. This number was probably created when the parent was invited to connect to Scoutbook.
Hi Jennifer, I have a parent in my pack (267) that needs to get linked to his new Lion scout - [name removed by Moderator for privacy]. He is already linked to his other kids. The parent is: [name removed by Moderator for privacy] (pack 267- 136603458). I see that I have the option to resend the invitation, but when I try to do that it says I need to update his e-mail on the profile. When I enter in his e-mail it says that it is already associated with another account. Is there a way to resolve this issue?