Parent with 2 Scoutbook accounts

Good morning,

I wasn’t sure if I should start a new thread or tag onto an old one. (Also, unsure what category for this inquiry.) Hopefully this is ok.
Troop 36G, Waterford CT has a parent with 2 SB accounts. Both are linked to the same BSA number.
I have contacted our council but they didn’t resolve the problem. I am hoping you can help.

Parent’s accounts:
Account #1: SB User ID: 4932993
BSA Member ID:135897767

Account #2:
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID: 135897767

He should be linked to his daughter:
Daughter’s Account
SB User ID:8498748
BSA Member ID:135897766

Thank you for any help you can provide.

@JudithRoenke That is all fixed

Thank you!! I appreciate it and so will he.

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