Parent with no calendar view

I have a parent who has been locked out of Scoutbook for several months. We were finally able to get the parent logged in tonight, but I’m finding that he does not see the option for Scoutbook+ and cannot get into the calendar. I’m still thinking there may be something wrong with the account and would appreciate someone taking a look.

Parent Member ID: 136246119


Have the parent go directly to and let us know if that works.

@StephenMarquardo Could you ask this parent to try logging in at my.Scouting? I would recommend having him double-check his preferred e-mail address there.

His primary BSA member ID number should be: 135019094

He gets a message that says “NO SCOUTBOOK PLUS ACCESS”

This is not the membership number he sees in my.scouting. He sees 123019616


It appears he has 3 BSA Member IDs in 2 Councils and 2 IDs. We need to know which ID he wants to keep then we can get that ID working properly. One ID is a verizon e-mail address, the other is not an email address but ends with his first name. Please find out which ID he wishes to retain and let us know.

@StephenMarquardo I sent you a private message.

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