I have 2 parents that are trying to invite their Scouts to Scoutbook. Both Scouts have a duplicate account that is causing the issue, they cannot delete the duplicated account. They keep getting a popup.
(Moderator: Removed photo due to PII)
I have 2 parents that are trying to invite their Scouts to Scoutbook. Both Scouts have a duplicate account that is causing the issue, they cannot delete the duplicated account. They keep getting a popup.
(Moderator: Removed photo due to PII)
Post the Scout’s BSA Member IDs (no names) and we will investigate.
These are the ones that need to be removed;
Thank you
@LawrenceSimon this is not enough info - if it is 2 accounts we need to know that this is good BSA # and this is the matching bad BSA # (or User ID - and tell us what the number type is)
I have fixed the 2nd Scout with initial YM. The problem occurred when he tried to create a my.scouting.org ID with a different first and middle name than on his registered BSA Member ID.
I have merged the Scoutbook accounts, corrected the primary BSA Member ID on his my.scouting.org ID and set his PII on his my.scouting.org ID to match what is on his primary BSA Member ID.
I still need to look at the other ID.
On the Scout with initial NM, he ended up with 2 SB accounts because he created a 2nd my.scouting.org ID with a different DOB than the first.
I have merged the Scoutbook accounts and requested the my.scouting.org IDs be merged. The Scout needs to use the Google Login button to log in to Scoutbook or my.scouting.org not his e-mail address.
Thank you. I keep telling my parents to look at the helps or ask me for help before they go creating things or poking a bunch of buttons. They all know that I do I.T. for a living and say they don’t want to bother me… Until things like this come up and it takes me more time to figure out what they did and what path to fixing it.
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