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Are parents still able to mark requirements complete for their cub scouts?
I had asked parents to mark some things off but I started getting questions. When I switch from my Cubmaster access to Parent/Guardian access, I lose the “Cub Scout Ranks” field and the “Current Adventures” from my son’s profile page.
Is there something I can do to give them access again?
So to be clear I am a pack admin I can use that to update advancement. however, when I go to parent profile for my scouts I do not have access to advancement even though Scoutbook permissions allow me too.
I have tried on two machines one has never logged into scoutbook before so i am not sure if it is a cache issue.
I am having the same issue. My den leader can enter advancements for my scout, but I can not. All of the advancements only show up in classic Scoutbook. My Scoutbook+ page is nearly blank.
I also entered this previously in the forum and the discussion was closed with no resolution.