Parents unable to access scoutbook

I have two different parents who are unable to acccess scoutbook. Both have accounts, but the passwords for those accounts don’t seem to be working on scoutbook. Can someone look into their accounts and help me figure out what is happening?

BSA number: 10655592

BSA number: 13860843, but user number lists: 11869219

Mona Rosow
Scoutmaster Troop 3089


There is no BSA number (MID) 10655592. Is this the Scoutbook UserID?

MID 13860843 has been deleted. His registered MID is 133970141. I have merged his Scoutbook accounts and fixed his ID to point to the correct MID and added his youth MID from Chippewa Valley Council as a secondary MID.

This is a Scoutbook userID. It was missing the BSA member number and date of birth. It should be fixed now.

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I also have two accounts that need to be merged. Primary account should be 135578634 (which parent can access but is not associated with roles). Other account is 137153206 (which has all of the connected roles). Can you please merge the accounts together with the first one as primary? Thank you.

@AmandaStewart3 I sent you a private message and have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

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