Patrol still showing despite removing all members/leader. Can't delete

The above link describes my problem, but doesn’t provide a solution.
I have tried everything. Can anyone help?


most likely a hanging leadership position for a Scout or leader attached to the patrol

Thanks Donovan. I had already removed the leader and it’s showing 0 leaders and 0 scouts, but it says one is still connected, however I can find no person connected.

There is probably a Scout in another patrol that still has an open leadership position for the patrol you want to remove.

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Thank you. I went and checked and none of the scouts I moved out of the patrol are holding leadership positions.

It could be something prior to that or even someone who was never a member of the patrol, such as a troop guide. You can run a roster builder report with positions to see if that finds anyone.

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@StaceyBrewer - it is an open leadership position for sure as I was able to remove a den and a patrol without issue.

I found it! It was tied to a Unit Participant over 18 Scout that is not assigned a Troop Patrol currently (but had formerly been in this Patrol) and is participating in a Ship at this time. Thank you!!!



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