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I am hoping someone can fix a permissions problem I am having in Scoutbook. I am the Committee Chair for Troop 868 in The Woodlands, TX. There are two things that I cannot do in Scoutbook and I have been told by other leaders in my troop that as a Committee Chair, I should be able to do. I am unable to send emails out from within Scoutbook and and I also unable to add events to the Calendar. Both my Advancement Chair and my Scoutmaster can but I cannot. Can someone help?
It sounds like one of the other Troop Admins needs to approve your position in Scoutbook.
Until then, what you can do is click on:
My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions
and look to see if you have a green shield with checkmark next to your Committee Chair and Troop Admin positions. Click on them and make sure you check the box next to “I agree to join the unit leader roster”
My Advancement Chair has found the problem. When she goes to the Troop Roster, there is a different email listed there than what i use to login to scoutbook. how can that be changed on the roster?
You should be using your my.scouting.org ID and password to log in to Scoutbook. You have multiple IDs. You need to send an e-mail to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with your name, BSA Member iD, unit and council. Ask them to merge your accounts.