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I am working on completing my ACM training and run into a problem. I have completed YPT and some other courses, when logging on today, all of my records are missing and a message to complete YPT is the first thing on the list.
Is there a email or person to contact to try and figure this out?
You have 2 my.scouting.org IDs, 2 Scoutbook accounts and 2 BSA Member IDs (MID)
Your training is on the my.scouting.org ID that is the portion of your e-mail address before the @. This account is attached to your registered MID. I will merge your Scoutbook accounts. You should contact your Council registrar and ask them to merge your MIDs so you only have 1.
I see the training below on your account with MID 14055550. This is the only my.scouting.org ID you should be using. Your Scoutbook accounts have been mreged.