Please manage old membership in Michigan


A scouter with previous experience is registering in our council, MID 140876965. In the '90s, he was a SM in Michigan. Please manage his MIDs. Please keep his Google login.

Just a bit of trivial - during this time, there were three SMs with the same first and last names. However, their middle names were different.

Thank you for all your efforts,

@DougWright would need the other MID - this one is not registered - and there is no match with DOB and just last name

Thanks for looking @DonovanMcNeil. I have texted, asking the scouter for more details.


Please take a look and advise next steps.

I have an adult participant having recent trouble logging into My.Scouting, she is getting an error of an inactive account.

Per registrar, this seems to be a result of having managed MIDs and changing the primary to an inactive number.

  1. 3/31 created an online application as a Venturing Participant, MID 136157324.
  2. 4/07 completed 1 YPT module.
  3. later, can’t log into My.Scouting to complete training, gets inactive account error.
  4. 5/03 registrar investigates, MID 13291966 is marked primary.

Is this a case of logging in with the wrong credentials? Or a family connection is not accurate? Or something else?

Thank you for your efforts.

@DougWright This user has 2 usernames at my.Scouting:


I think she was doing the training under the first username, but she most recently logged in under the second username (which was set to a deleted BSA MID).

Thank you! Her account is working again!

@DougWright Which username does she want to keep?

Please keep the “_” and retire the “.”.

@DougWright Will do.

She also has 2 different e-mail addresses. Which e-mail address does she want to keep?


Hi @DonovanMcNeil,

I heard back from the scouter - previous MID 9772067.

This was in West Michigan Shores Council, now part of Michigan Crossroads Council; T39 in Allendale, MI.

Does this match up?

@DougWright ok they are under management - but this users address is no where near MI

Thank you. He resides in WY now and is applying to be a registered leader again.


I have an adult not seeing her scouts in My Application. Please check the family accounts and advise next steps.

  • mom MID 13863958
  • scout MID 13896765
  • scout MID 137221235
  • scout MID 13896757
  • dad MID 137221236

Thank you!

@DougWright it is simple the mother is not connected - far too common - Council needs to fix in registrar tools - the father is connected to all.

Thank you @DonovanMcNeil,

Our registrar has updated the family connections.


I have a parent with multiple MID’s who would like to get this cleared up so he can register as a Den Leader in Adventure West Council (AWC).

  • dad AWC MID 135632721. He saw MID 111074812 when he logged into My.Scouting last night. Please keep his login from last night. His email is firstname.lastname@gmail. He was a parent/Den Leader in Twin Rivers Council, NY; BSA employee in West Lost Angeles County Council, CA; and a scout in San Diego County Council, CA.
  • mom AWC MID 140491542.
  • son AWC MID 135632720. He was a cub in NY.
  • son MID 140500058.
  • daughter MID 140500050.

Thank you for working on this,

Hi @JenniferOlinger,

Just heard back. Please mark .edu as primary.

Thank you!

@DougWright She should be all set now.

Thank you @JenniferOlinger.

Any chance you could take a look at post 16?

@DougWright This user’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged. He might need to wait up to 24 hours for his training to get copied onto the primary BSA member ID number (Adventure West):