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I have a SM with at least two MIDs; he thinks there are three. Please keep the login used on 5/20. Please keep the @gmx.us email. He was a scout in western New York in the 90s; Allegheny Highland Council.
MID 135067651, current registration. This is what he sees when he logs into My.S.
@DougWright I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts. He does have 3 BSA member ID numbers:
135067651 - primary
Please contact the local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up his child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, he needs to be removed as parent under his secondary BSA member ID number, and added as parent under his primary BSA member ID number: 135067651. This will help to prevent future issues.
Next - (I am not rationing these, I post as fast as I receive all the relevant details.)
I have an ASM who eagled in PA and is now registered in CO. Please check his account. He logged in last week. His email is initialinitiallastname@yahoo…
MID 131300280
After confirming his account is correct, I will contact the registrar to fix the parent connections to his three scouts. Currently, he doesn’t see any of them in My.Scouting.
Parent 2:
MID 12898734
username (login) = Initiallastname11
I did update parent 2’s e-mail to xxxxxx+1@gmail
See if they can log in at my.Scouting, first. If they need to reset their password, the best place to do that is using the chatbot (“Betty”). When asked if they remember their security questions, they can say no to bypass.
The troop might need to update their connections using the Connections Manager.
Thank you @edavignon, I have passed that along; have not heard back yet.
More problems for SUAC -
This is a SM with at least two MIDs. Please keep email as xxxx#xxxx@icloud; keep login used 5/26.
. . . A. MID 13710374, current registration
. . . B. MID 13099030
This is a parent registered as USR with at least two MIDs. Please keep email first name.initial.lastname@gmail; keep login used 5/14.
. . . A. MID 13627228, current registration
. . . B. MID 12999876
This is the parents of two scouts; dad has at least two MIDs.
. . . A. dad
. . . . . . 1) MID 13096784
. . . . . . 2) MID 134282493
. . . B. mom MID 12544404
. . . C. scout MID 134282492
. . . D. scout MID 12856782
This is a MC with at least two MIDs. Please keep email firstnamelastname.gmail. Her husband’s accounts were previously managed and family connections were established for parents and two scouts.
. . . A. MID 14926168, current registration.
. . . B. MID 13092309
This is an ASM with two MIDs. Email is initial.initial.lastname##@gmail.
. . . A. MID 14178118, current registration.
. . . B. MID 124590170, current YPT.