Thank you @JenniferOlinger.
Next problem for SUAC -
I have a grandparent with at least two MIDs. This is complicated by he being Jr. and hais son being the III.
- Jr., birthday before 1950
. . . A. MID 133328909
. . . B. MID 12351593
- III, birthday after 1960
. . . A. possible MID 12356610 (from pending adult application)
- grandson, MID 133248319, different first name (so not IV)
- granddaughter, MID 137297844 (No, she is not IV either
@DougWright What do you want fixed? They all look correct to me.
I was told Jr was having problems logging in to creating a registration. I’ll walk him through the process and find out what’s wrong.
Thank you.
Two more problems for SUAC -
MC did their YPT with a different MID than they are registered.
. . . A. MID 14385522, registered, w/ some training.
. . . B. MID 136804802, current YPT.
MC did their YPT with a different MID than they are registered.
. . . A. MID 132894330, registered, no training.
. . . B. MID 13746073, current YPT, lots of training.
Thank you.
Thank you @JenniferOlinger. Per PM, #1 is done, #2 is waiting for scouter feedback next week.
Next problem for SUAC -
- ADL has at least two MIDs. MID 137479478 has registered position and manually entered YPT. I don’t know the other MID.
@DougWright I am unable to find any other BSA MIDs for that user.
Thank you @JenniferOlinger for checking. I have asked for the MID showing when they work on training.
Next problem for SUAC -
When I check the parent listing for sending a message, their scout connections are listed under their name. If I also have a connection to their scouts, then the scouts names are first and last. If I am not connected to their scout, then the scout only shows as first name.
- Scout listed twice for a parent - once w/ first & last, second w/ only first name
. . . Scout MID 14054626
@DougWright We can merge this Scout’s Scoutbook accounts, but individual requirements do not merge.
Do you want us to go ahead and merge?
Scout’s BSA MIDs
@DougWright The individual requirements still exist, but they are not copied onto the surviving Scoutbook account (userID).
@DougWright The newer Scoutbook account goes back to 12/2021, so we can probably merge with no issues.
While waiting for answers from folks to be able to resolve all the above, here is another -
Parent did YPT last fall. She completed an online application (MID 13754811) on 6/7, which is not showing YPT. She has two scouts and her husband in the troop, same last name. She logs into Scoutbook with her email.
@DougWright She has 2 usernames at my.Scouting, and she has logged into both since April.
I have set 13754811 as primary.
The local council will need to use their Registrar Tools to look up her child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, she should be removed as parent under the secondary number. She should be added as parent under the primary BSA member ID number 13754811.
Thank you @JenniferOlinger, I emailed the registrar on 6/15, and expect to hear back next week
Today’s problem -
Committee Member is showing expired YPT under registered MID 140217975. When she logs into Scoutbook, she sees MID 12379146.
Her registration email is correct. Her preferred login is firstinitiallastname with no hyphen.
She has a son who just eagled.
Thank you.
I’ll look into this for you
Both MIDs were valid in your Council. I have no idea how she got the 2nd MID.
I have merged her 2 SB IDs and changed her primary MID on her ID to 140217975.
All training should sync to MID 140217975 within 24 hours.
1 Like
Thank you @edavignon.
And now today’s issue -
This scout has two MIDs. Please manage.
- MID 133723000 registered in T188B
- MID 140964289 did some training
He would like to keep the login nickname.lastname
Thank you.
@DougWright Please ask the Scout to log all the way out of any BSA systems / applications, then log back in again.
The training might need 24 hours to get copied onto the primary BSA MID.
Thank you @JenniferOlinger, the scout says everything works and I can see his training!
This morning’s problem -
I have a MBC who claims to have done training several years ago, however, the training is not showing. She has managed MIDs. Does she have another MID not managed?
- MID 116980559 registered MBC
Thank you.
I found a potential third BSA MID for her under BSA MID 8387661. However, it does not have any training.