Please Merge Accounts @

Hello, moving between councils I have ended up with multiple BSA IDs and ScoutBook IDs. Can you please merge the following ScoutBook IDs? I should now be associated with Troop 22 in the Danial Webster Council

Old - 135475448 (NCAC)
New - 140241419 (Dan Webster)

I also need to be associated with my children, who’s IDs are:
10149454 and 13124683

Dustin Ramsey

@DustinRamsey Your Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

@JenniferOlinger thank you very much! Looks like all merged under my current Daniel Webster BSA ID, but it still showed NCAC and my old Troop at the top above my ID numbers… it does say Daniel Webster at the bottom of the page.:man_shrugging:t3: is there any way to fix that? I spoke to the council here and they tried but were apparently unsuccessful.


@DustinRamsey Go to you positions under my dashboard → administration > my account and check which one is set to default.

That worked. Looks like I had two primary positions turned on… thanks for the help!

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