Position Manager - Functional vs Registered Position authority

Is there a training guide to provide the what the online Position Manager areas mean and how they are used or can be used to give authority to processes? I would like to know the difference between Position Assignment vs Functional Assignment. Is the Functional area a way to give additional authority to someone who does not hold the actual registered position? Where is the guidance listing the authority for each online position. TY

@KimberlyCraddock - i found this

I am Cubmaster for my Pack, as well as a D3 rep, but I cannot update anyone’s information or add leaders anywhere. I was aware that Scoutbook is 20th century MS DOS-like tech, but there is nothing easy about the interface, nor is anything logical in the slightest. Suggestions/Recommendations?!!

@GrantGarrett were are you trying to make these changes - you cannot in Registered Position Manager - only Functional Positions

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I’m trying to add den leaders, but there’s no place to do that in functional positions?

Den leader is a registered position. Only your Charter Org Rep or Charter Org Rep Delegate can change registered positions.

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And, what if they have little/no contact with us or Scoutbook at all?


That is an issue but since the COR is a Key 3 member they should be active. Your options are to get the COR to be active, assign a COR Delegate or get the Charter Org to find a new COR who will be active. The COR/COR Delegate must approve all registered leaders because this is saying the Charter Org accepts the adult as a leader.


Appreciated. That makes logical sense, even if the website and navigation doesn’t :face_exhaling:

NOW in SB+ (advancements.scouting.org) - if you go to Roster > Dens > Edit Den - when you add an adult to Den they are Den Admin which functions as Den Leader just without the title

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…but that adult still has to be a registered scouter for the unit, correct?


Yes, the den leader must be registered.

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If they are registered in your unit, you can click on their name on the scoutbook.Scouting.org roster page and add a position. This is particularly useful if they are acting in more than one position. For example, a Cubmaster who also leads a den.