Hello - We are attempting to set up our Position manager to accurately reflect the correct leaders in the correct positions. A few quick questions.
- New leaders that come in are defaulting to the Committe Member position. Is this the default landing place for any new leader?
- When leaders are placed in the Committee Member position, they are later greyed out with an "Expired Membership error. Which is strange, as the exact same leader is showing up under Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader. How do I clean out these expired memberships?
- I would like to remove a leader who is still active in the troop, but is no longer in a Committee, Den Leader, or Assistant Den Leader role. How would I go about doing that
For all of the above we have sat with our Charter Rep and they have made me the Designated Charter Rep. I see how to move the names around on the board, but I don’t see how to add new names or how to remove the greyed out names for positions that leaders no longer hold.
Let me know next steps!
Only the COR has access to move Leaders in Position Manager - Key 3 can in functional roles
We have multiple leaders that seem to have multiple roles. As an example
I have the ability to move leaders around that are not greyed out. The greyed out leaders are unmovable.
There are leaders who have multiple roles that are NOT greyed out. If I attempt to move the same leader to the singular role they possess - For instance if someone is listed as a Tiger Den Leader and a Committee Member, and I move them both into the Den Leader’s tab, I get an error.
So how do I remove the multiple roles so I can make sure each leader is only in one role?
To me, this seems “messed up”. I’d see if your registrar can do the corrections.
It seems like the positions that are grayed out are the ones that are expired already, and that’s why you can’t change them.
I guess what I’m confused about is when we go to the Roster and look at our adult leaders, they have multiple positions listed next to their names with multiple expiration dates.

Is this not normal, or is this expected behavior? Do roles have a date in which they end, and where is that set? And what is a member/pack supposed to do when their roles expire?
@PackChairJohnston Based on the picture that you posted, it looks like that particular leader is currently registered in 2 positions:
Pack Trainer (a specific type of Committee Member in Cub Scout packs)
Unit Scouter Reserve
This adult leader should only be registered as Pack Trainer or as a Unit Scouter Reserve. I would recommend contacting your local council Register and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to end one of those positions.
The other 2 positions (Den Leader and Assistant Webelos Den Leader) have expired / lapsed, effective 8/31/2024.
Hello @JenniferOlinger, - You’re my first @ mention. Fun!
The picture is an example of what is going on with a number of our leaders. I’m less concerned about that particular leader than understanding what causes a leader to be expired for a particular role, and what to do about it (Either extending or removing the role from the leader).
- How are leaders given start and end dates? The only way I see to add leaders to roles is to move them around in Position Manager.
- Is there a way to edit this information as the COR delegate, or is this simply something I need to forward to our registrar?
- When a leader is expired in a particular role how do I remove their expired role? These leaders are still active in other roles, but they are dead weight in their expired position.
When a leader changes positions within the same unit, the old one gets an end date. Unfortunately the system does not seem smart enough to recognize the difference between a position that ended because someone didn’t renew and one that ended because they have a new position. You are seeing some of that buggy behavior. I’d suggest asking your council to submit a member care ticket to correct it.
@PackChairJohnston, I know chasing this with council can be a headache. However, I suspect that the more councils submit bug tickets on this issue, the more likely national is to escalate the priority of any overall bug fix. At least I would hope so.
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Why is this? I know the COR signs off on the applications for leader BUT other than that they are hands off, at least for our unit. To get the to go in and do anything special is REALLY challenging. There needs to be a better way. When we did the charter renewal in the past we could change their positions then, but now with the yearly renewal of members I see no real way of doing this.
@RobertWiseman - it comes down to who owns the unit… not the cubmaster, scoutmaster, committee chair…
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You can change positions when the charter is renewed because the charter renewal is signed by the COR or Institutional Head. Their signature approves the position changes.
If you want to change the process you need to work through your Council’s professional staff. The BSA does not monitor these forums and the SUAC does not have any way to provide input to the teams that would need to be involved to change the registration process.
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Your best best is to get the COR to set the CC or another leader as a COR delegate.