Problem with parent suddenly not receiving e-mails

There is a parent in my pack who has received pack emails through Scoutbook in the past. Recently, he stopped receiving them. I believe the problem started when he was added as a leader for our girls troop. Looking at his profile his email is in there, he is linked & it does not say receive no emails. Is there a way to correct this problem?

There was a recent fix to Scoutbook related to parents not receiving emails (November 9, 2022 Scoutbook Updates).

When was the last time the parent “missed” an email? Was it exclusively event reminder emails, or are they not receiving any emails at all?

@ElizabethSalter If you post the adult’s BSA member number, we can take a look. (No names, please)

sorry for delay: parent is 12762262 kid: 135742640

@ElizabethSalter well I see similar but different emails on account - does the parents email have a 4 in it?

yes, it should have the 4. (

@ElizabethSalter yeah the SB User was missing the 4 - that is fixed

thank you, will send him a test message & see if it works.

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