Problems with admin. permission

I have an adult leader I am tying to give admin. permissions to for our unit. I was able to add him to our roster in scoutbook (he was not there for some reason, even though he is on our roster in & added the admin role. He has the unit admin key next to his name. The connection manager list him as green full control. When he logs in & clicks on a scouts name that is not his own child he is still getting the not connected to user message & is not able to edit anything. What else do I need to do to get him the necessary access? Thanks for any help.

@ElizabethSalter without the BSA# we can do nothing - it sounds like he has 2 accounts

The individuals BSA # 14081613


He has 2 BSA Member IDs (MID) that have been registered in your Council. The MID you provided is currently registered, the other MID 131005871 was the MID where he was registered as a Cub Scout leader.

He also has 2 IDs. One is his e-mail address, the other the portion of his e-mail address before the @.

We can fix his Scoutbook account and merge his IDs. We need to know which ID he wishes to retain.

The one BSA id is his 14081613 & the other is his son 131005871 , so there should be 2 bsa ids. as they are 2 different people.

Are the 2 ids also, 2 people, one associate with the adult bsa id & one the scout bsa id


MID 14081613 and 131005871 belong to the same person with initials WB. The son’s MID is 131005870 and has initials BB.

The son does not have a ID.

I need to know which ID ot retain. The father’s e-mail address or the portion of the e-mail address before the @. After I know that the problem can be solved.

He wants to keep as portion of the e-mail before the @

Thank you for your help with this.


This is fixed. The problem occurred because WB registered as a cub scout leader using his middle initial but left it off his Scouts BSA registration.

I recommend you countact your Council and have them either move his registration from MID 14081613 to MID 131005871 or use the relationship tab of registrar tools to mvoe his relationship to his son from MID 131005871 to MID 14081613. This will clean up the MIDs. His full middle name should also be added to whichever MID is used for his registration.

He can log in to both Scoutbook and using the ID that is the portion of his e-mail address before the @. He also needs to check the system for the correct e-mail address as one account used gmail the other used icloud. If it is wrong in Scoutbook or, setting it to the correct address will correct all systems.

Hello, it’s seems I’ve lost full access to manage my troop. As of today when I log into Scoutbook, it seems I’m logged in as a parent with the only connection being my son. This same issue occurred earlier this year.


Your Scoutmaster role is marked IsCurrent=No. This caused your Scoutbook position to end. You will need to contact your Council registrar for assistance.

Note this could be because your YPT expired in September and was just renewed this week. Scome councils suspend registration of leaders who’s YPT expires.

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