My purchase order is missing one rank advancement and one merit badge that have been entered and marked as “completed.” The only thing I could think of is that these scouts have not yet been assigned to a patrol on Scoutbook. Does that prevent their rank advancement and MB from showing up on Purchase Order and Advancement Report? Thanks!
Have the missing items been marked Leader Approved (blue check box)?
Items that are not approved (green check box) or marked awarded (yellow check box) will not appear on a PO.
Yes, the items are marked blue.
@SharonLiu Please provide the BSA member ID numbers of the Scouts, and the item name that are missing.
(No names, please)
13978384 Scout Rank
14061146 Law MB
@SharonLiu are you using Legacy Scoutbook to view this? Scoutbook+ purchase system is not ready yet.