Rank Advancements not showing in Scoutbook

Many Scouts in our Pack earned their ranks last year, but they do not appear in the Scoutbook. Leaders cannot add that rank. For example, scout earned a Tiger and is now a Wolf but does not show that he earned his Tiger. Parents are confused. Some did not log their activity in Scoutbook, while others kept logs on paper.

How do we go back and add these advancements into Scoutbook?

(Apologies if this has been asked before, but I am new to leadership positions in the Pack, and I cannot find a similar issue in the forums)



You need to change the den level for these Scouts back to the previous rank, select the old version of the rank then enter a date prior to 9/1/24. After doing this move these Scouts back to the current den level. This must all be done in Scoutbook Plus.

This is why it is critical to get all advancement entered prior to advancing the den.

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