Rank approval removed

@JenSnyder736 - yes. The issue is what does that sync do. That needs to be answered by scout manager

That seems to be facts Stephen, but in fairness, I did not check the needs approval report prior to any of those actions.

It doesn’t look like any of the previously awarded ranks are missing for any of the scouts, but I have not had time to analyze each scout individually. I am prepared to go to each scout, each rank and put the leader approved and awarded date as the original date earned, but there’s also a bug there.

Here’s a scout rank earned on 3/7/2023:

I marked the award as leader approved and awarded, but it overwrote the marked completed audit:

This happens regardless if the marked completed was by BSA Administrator or by a person - the audit trail is not preserved.

@JenSnyder736 - that was done from the scout record ?

Have you tried looking at the audit report?

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@JenSnyder736 - I can also say that I have a report in report builder that has scout age and ranks

Didn’t realize there was an audit report. It does show that I disapproved and unawarded all the ranks.



@JenSnyder736 - so it would seem that it did not matter what your date scope was, scout manager placed its known data into scoutbook, which if the process is a data dump make sense

That appears to have been the case. I would much rather have a staged approval process for that but I do have an email in to Scout Manager. If there was a way to reverse any audits made by my user account on 10/25/2023, that would be the ideal solution.

I have also contacted my local council for assistance so I’ll pursue those avenues.

@JenSnyder736 - to be honest I would move away from them as soon as possible. But did you see the report grab I posted ? You can do a lot in report builder


The only way to “undo” what was done is to manually go award by award and make necessary corrections. The audit log will contain the most recent action. You can’t go back to previous audit data.

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@JenSnyder736 - a restore of the database may not be what you think it is. I am not certain if it is a singular container. There are most likely snapshots at timed intervals but if the database is a single container then ALL records of all scouts and all units would be impacted. Having done backup and restore operations in a data center it is not as simple as one would think.

I am dumb-founded that ANYONE would share their username and password to an unknown agent? @JenSnyder736 - this person you do not know can erase all your scouts data if they wish!

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@JenSnyder736 - and having those logins exposes the personal data of youth and adults. I dont like that idea nor do i think the BSA legal and information security team would either.

@Stephen_Hornak and @DonovanMcNeil That’s why we have developed a protocol of not staying logged into the site for the sync. To further ensure the password is not saved or cached, each time we wish to sync data, we login, do the sync, log out and change our Scoutbook password.

Obviously this was a great learning experience - one that will also change some of our internal protocols with how we operate in our troop.

@JenSnyder736 - well that process alone would be cause for me to say walk aaay from scout manager. You can look at scouting33.org for how we did the google sites from the godaddy landing page

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