Receive Error message in my.scouting->Organization Mgr->Position Mgr

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Thank you!)

Attempting as COR to change the current CC to MC and promote a MC to CC.
Did it several ways:

  1. moving the CC to MC , then a MC to CC, hitting save
  2. moving the MC to CC, then the old C to MC, hitting save
  3. moving to CC to MC, Assigning myself as COR to CC, hitting save
    In all cases received the following error message:
    small red circle with a white x and the words
    “ExpiryDr must be larger than effectiveDt”
    Unit expires 12/31/21
    From the help file “BSA-Position-Manager-Job-Aid-for-My.Scouting-4-12-2021.pdf” seems to indicate the effective date is automatically set for today’s date. I do not see anyplace on the Position Manager Screen Registered Positions tab to set the effective date.
    I am COR 2267324
    the current CC 126613898
    current MC to be CC 126613898
    This is for T145
    Any help would be appreciated

@MichaelMcGehearty this will not work in Position Manager - as the same Start/Stop date would be used if charter expiring 12/21. It can be done in Recharter > Select the person > go to FAR RIGHT of that row and click the pen.

So from what you are saying is the Position Manager uses the Month/Year to do the comparison instead of Month/Day/Year. I normally work on Mon/Day/Year for comparisons so that is probably where I am going wrong.

We work with rechartering expiring 12/31/21 not 12/21. (This is NOT against you Donovan, you and the rest of the SUAC do awesome work)

I will work with the T145 Rechartering person to make it happen. I was attempting to make it easier for the Rechartering person by already having the correct CC in the system.

I do NOT know if it would be to hard to have Position Manager fixed to use Mon/Day/Year for comparison instead of Mon/Year so Position Manager would work correctly 12 months of the year instead of just 11 months of the year.

If that can not be changed in a timely manner it would be helpful if the help file was updated to state the limitation so that the help file was applicable 12 months out of the year instead of just 11 months of the year. And may reduce the number of questions posted on the forums.

Thanks for all you do.

@MichaelMcGehearty AKELA were memberships are written 2 only uses the first day of the month to begin a membership, and last day to end a membership. So all your memberships end 12/31/21 (12/21) - so it is confused cause you are telling it to change a membership when it will also end.

Use Recharter to do what I outlined and you will be done.

Yes we will use the recharter to effect the change.

Still it would be nice if the help file “BSA-Position-Manager-Job-Aid-for-My.Scouting-4-12-2021.pdf” would be updated to state that during the month of Recharter [December (12/xx) for those like our units that expire 12/31/xx)] Position Manager does NOT work. It could save some scouters confusion and heartache.

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Totally true. Tell us, via documentation, how the systems work and we will abide by them. Don’t tell us how they work and we will say they are broken and waste people’s time.