Recharter cannot continue due to the reasons listed below

I’m able to delete and add members, but when i clicked validate roster, I get a message that says:

recharter cannot continue due to the reasons listed below.

(red circle i)Unit does not have the required amount of leadership positions

(yellow circle i)Leaders do not have current YPT

(yellow circle i)Leaders do not have completed CBC authorization

(green check)Leaders are more than 18 years old

How/where do I fix these

@TrentRenfrow -

1 - required leaders:
Units are required to have the following adult positions: Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chairman; 2 Committee Members, and the Unit Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, or Team Coach). A Parent Coordinator or Pack Trainer may count as a Committee Member. Additionally, a Pack must have at least one Den Leader. An adult leader may hold only one leadership position, except for the Chartered Organization Representative, who can multiple either as a Committee Member or the Committee Chairman.

2 - YPT must be current and not expire within the recharter period - that is on the leader to complete the training

3 - CBC - all submitted adult applications have the authorization for background check and is to be submitted with the application. The council processes the background check

That is how these are handled

I believe if you hover over the red, it should tell you which position is missing.

Once the leaders complete YPT, click the refresh button.

You can upload their CBC within internet Recharter.

The “required leaders” error also is issued if you have more than one CR and CC by experimentation with “sandbox”. Probably also true for IH and top unit leader (CM, SM, NL, SK, EA).

If you want to make the yellow CBC go away, turn the missing CBCs into the council registrar and refresh the roster after allowing time for processing to occur.

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Note: The required leaders for Exploring units are different. In addition to the Executive Officer (IH - no fee), there are 4 required positions: the Post Committee Chair (PCC), at least two Post Committee Members (PMC), and the Exploring Advisor (EA). The Associate Advisor (AA) is optional.

For Exploring Clubs there are 2 required positions; the Exploring Club Sponsor (ES) and theExploring Club Associate Sponsor (AS). Neither unit type has a Chartered Organization Representative and Exploring Clubs do not have unit committees.

Additionally, specific to Exploring, adults who are employed by local, state, or federal governmental agencies (such as law enforcement personnel) that require background checks as a condition of employment are exempt from the CBC requirement. The Criminal Background Check Exemption Form (Form 28-573) should be completed and signed by the participating organization certifying that a background check has been completed,

I’m hoping someone can help. I’m trying to complete the recharter. I have 32 scouts plus one that is prepaid for a total of 33 scouts. The recharter tool is trying to charge me for 32 scouts and then says 2 pre-paid for a total of 34. The one prepaid scout is not listed as a scout with the pack even though the application in says paid and complete and the scout is in Scoutbook. At one point the scout was showing on the charter with the prepaid icon but has disappeared in the last few days. When I tried to submit the payment when she was on the charter I keep getting a 400 error then the counts change to 32 plus 1 but then I get an error message saying the numbers don’t match payment! I’ve tried different browsers, cleared cookies, and tried incognito mode to ensure it wasn’t a browser issue.
How do I get the scout to reappear?
What can be done so I can process my charter so the numbers are correct.
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