Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
I have a scout whose information (rank, merit badges, membership, leadership roles - everything except his profile information) was deleted from Scoutbook at recharter. I can see his advancement information in the Internet Advancement interface, so it’s not all lost, but I don’t know how to get it back into Scoutbook. Our local council said they can see it all from their end, but they only use Internet Advancement (not Scoutbook) and offered no help in how to resolve this.
BSA number is 135403554. His primary troop is 373, but is also registered with 188.
@GillianBlake The Scout is also registered in a Venturing crew in a different council, so the Scout has 2 different BSA member numbers and also 2 Scoutbook userIDs.
That membership was ended (because the summer camp where he worked registered him in that council without his knowledge), and that membership was ended prior to rechartering. However, before that membership ended, his BSA ID had changed in Scoutbook. Now it is only showing his original number.
However, even with having two BSA id numbers, we could still view his advancement records in Scoutbook.
Oh good - there is now less panic on his part! I am unable to modify his leadership positions - the only current one is den chief, but every time I try to delete the end date, it takes me to a completely blank page (like it’s loading, but it never finishes).