Recharter Payments not Working?

Hi, I have three units: a Cub Scout Pack with one checking account, and two Scouts BSA units with a shared checking account.

I got them all through rechartered and got the automated email which I signed and returned. All three units currently say status “On hold - Recharter is waiting for Approval”.

I had some issues getting through the payment page. Whenever I clicked and filled out a payment method, I would get an error that said “Expression {payment} evaluated to null”. I tried credit card, e-check, and local pay for each unit.

The thing is, one of the Troop’s payment did go through, and I got a microdeposits notification email. I noticed an administrative fee of $1.00 on the Pack and one Troop (the one that went through) and no fee on the other Troop. So I think for the one unit without the fee, I will likely have to pay the council (although they weren’t sure when I emailed them) because I assume the “local council” pay option is what finally went through. But for my Pack, I’m not sure why the payment is not going through (I never got the microdeposits email).

Anyone know who I can ask? My council has been notified and said they would ask National, but I wanted to make sure there wasn’t something I could do on my end.

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Having your council reach out to the national contacts is probably best to confirm this.