I have made and so have other den leaders made calendar events with reminders. When the reminder is sent out it shows the event time for an hour earlier. Which is also the last reminder.
When you go to the event it shows the correct times.
Any Ideas.
What browser are you using?
Does the reminder show the correct timezone?
We are using Google Chrome
It does not show a time zone in the email. How do i check time zone in scout book
What time zone are you located in? Which state?
Was it an automated event reminder? Send now or scheduled?
So we r in eastern. State of pa
I have auto one day reminder that showed the wrong time. I did a send now that showed the right time
And neither of those reminders show the time zone? I had one today like this:
When: Jan 28, 2020 6pm-7:30pm (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time
The timezone in Scoutbook is based on your device settings. Hence, I’ve been trying to figure out if it picked up the wrong TZ when the event was created or if it’s sending the reminders with the wrong TZ.
Is the incorrect reminder an hour ahead or behind the actual time of the event?
Its an hour behind the. Now reminder had the right times with UTC behind it. The one day did not have anything behind it
The one day reminder is an hour behind so the event is 4-5. But reminder is showing 3-4. And i have a one hour reminder set as well so i was thinking it was puling that time for some reason
It has happened to me and another den leader on different computers. My computer time is correct though
I could send u the two emails if u want to provide ur email
How long ago was the event set up?
You can forward them to jacob.fetzer.scouting@gmail.com
This was the now reminder
Event: Good Nights (Duncann Teaching)
Where: 232 E Market St, Orwigsburg, PA 17961
When: Jan 26, 2020, 4pm - 5pm (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time
Time of the event is 4-5 pm
Unsubscribe from future mailings
This is the 1 day before reminder
Event: Good Nights (Duncann Teaching)
Where: 232 E Market St, Orwigsburg, PA 17961
When: Jan 26, 2020 3pm-4pm
Unsubscribe from future mailings
How long ago was the event set up?
A month or so ago. I would think. Maybe even longer. Is there a way to reset Scoutbook back to when someone had to initially set it up. When it was initially set up the person (unknown who) would have had no idea what this was about. Now that we are really digging into it, could it be something might not have been set up right initially?
I don’t think anyone did anything wrong when setting it up. I’m trying to identify the root cause to pass it along to the developers. It seem to me that the incorrect reminder was set to Central Time by default, but I have not been able reproduce a single case that omits the time zone, yet. And since the send now message shows the timezone, it’s obvious Scoutbook knows it.
Ok thanks Anything else i can tell you I will be happy too… We are just learning this, I appreciate your help.
jacobFetzer Here is the one hour reminder… Again wrong start time and no Time Zone Code
Event: Good Nights (Duncann Teaching)
Where: 232 E Market St, Orwigsburg, PA 17961
When: Jan 26, 2020 3pm-4pm
Time of the event is 4-5 pm
Unsubscribe from future mailings
Here is the image of the event

I ran a test of several reminders throughout the day, including send now and one hour. Every single one had the correct time and TZ.
Could you forward the one hour email reminder to scoutbook.support@scouting.org. In the email, include the EventID. You can get this by looking at the URL when you click on the event in scoutbook. Explain to them that some reminders came through with the correct time and Time Zone, but this one did not. Ask them to look into it.
And post the ticket number back here.