Reminder ls

Why aren’t emails going out again? I was under the impression that the issues were fixed…

@CathleenPengelly - are you asking about the calendar reminders rather than the calendar ?

This looks like it’s related to this thread: Event reminder emails not being sent again?

When were the reminders supposed to go out? @edavignon noted in the referenced thread that there was some sort of license issue that was fixed yesterday, so earlier messages may not have gone out?

Scoutbook calendar reminders. I had an event scheduled for a reminder to be sent yesterday and 5 days ago. The reminders were crossed out in scoutbook like they went out, but in fact, they didn’t.

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Yeah, that sounds like the same issue that @edavignon was addressing, then. Maybe create a test event with just one or two scouters on it, and schedule reminders set to go out tomorrow? That way you can check if they go out without having to wait for another “real” event if they still aren’t working.

My reminder email for last night’s event just came thru now. Looks like it’s off a day.