Remove adult leader connection

I have a scout who is still connected to an old unit. I would like to remove those old connections. However, the clean old connections option does not remove them.

Is there another process to remove the old unit leaders connected to the scout?

@RobertCauser Does the Scout still have a current membership with the old unit? You should be able to check by going to the Scout’s Connections page in Scoutbook.

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I do see the old unit still attached in SB but I assumed that since the scout has completed the transfer to my unit that connection should go away.

@RobertCauser What is the Scout’s BSA member number?

SB User ID:


BSA Member ID:


Previous BSA Member ID:


@RobertCauser The Scout is still registered with the old unit (under the old BSA member number).

You can put an end date on her membership with the other troop if it is no longer needed.

aww okay

How do I add an end date?

@RobertCauser Go to the Scouts Scoutbook Page > Click Memberships > Click the Troop 4776 membership > put an end date - then you can clean old connections

Thank you very much
Your help is very appreciated

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