Removing scouts from Patrols and back into Unassigned


I setup patrols and moved the boys into them to the dismay of the advancement chair who would like me to move them back into the unassigned pool. He said that its easier for him to find them. How do I do this? Thanks so much.


The easiest thing to do would be create a single patrol to move them all into.

To truly change them back, for each scout, you go to the scout’s page > (Scout Name) Membership. Click current membership, add an end date, and click update. Without leaving the membership page, look under past memberships and find the one that doesn’t have a patrol, click it, remove the end date, and click update.

It’s just as easy to find Scouts on the Troop Roster page. Use the Setting (looks like a gear icon) to sort them all by last name or first name.

But if you really want to move them out of patrols, you can. Go to a Scout’s Membership page, click on the current membership with the patrol, and add a date ended. Important: stay on the Membership page, and find the past membership with the troop, remove the date ended, then Update. Then click on it again and make sure that the box is checked next to “Position Approved”.

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