Report Builder Issue Scouts not listed

I am having an issue with Report Builder not populating the Scouts into the report. I am using Safari on an iOS device to create the report. Has anyone else had this problem?

What is your position in the pack? Are you a pack admin? Are you connected to all/any of the scouts?

I am assigned the roles of Pack Admin, Den Admin, and Den Leader.

Go to your pack roster, click your name, click your positions. Do all of the current positions have a green shield by them?

Click the current pack admin position, click update (without changing anything).

That will Sometimes reset things.

Do the missing Scouts have a green shield by their names in the roster? If they do not, click on the Scout then Scout’s Membership then the membership for your pack. Set the Position Approved then click Update.

I have green checks by all positions. Green checks by all Cub Scouts. I tried the update with no success. I have also tried using other platforms. The Committee Chair recently added me as a Den Leader to a second den. This cause all my calendar entries to be deleted. Is there an issue with having multiple roles?

Corey, try this:

  1. Go to the Pack Roster page.
  2. Click on your name.
  3. Click on your Pack Admin position.
  4. Click Update.

This should reset your Pack Admin role.

I have tried the update option for Pack Admin with no success.

@CoreyMonaghan, it appears that you have a duplicate account and that is why Report Builder is not populating for you. Please send an e-mail to Scoutbook support at:

Please include as much identifying information as you can (full name, BSA ID #, unit number, council name, etc.) and ask them to merge the accounts for you.

I am having the same issue with 2 adult leaders not appearing on any report! They show up on the webpage, but none of the tailorable reports.

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