Request Account Help, Merging/Correcting Email Addresses

A Scout is transferring to our unit. Currently only his mom is connected to his account.

Dad now wishes to activate his account. Current account connected to Scout is BSA ID 132604363, User ID 557365.

The email address associated with this account is not correct. When I tried to update the email address for the parent, system says account with that email already exists. Parent cannot log into any other account using that email address.

Please DM me… I’ll provide requested email address to be tied to account, after merging them.

Thanks in advance

@ScouterRob does dad want the address?

Yes, please…I was not able to get any other info from that account, to determine if there was another BSA ID associated with it.

@ScouterRob I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

I am needing assistance updating my scout’s permissions so that she can communicate with her patrol and receive emails from her adult scout leaders. I read Scoutbook Tutorial for Parents to help me enable her permissions in Scoutbook, but I do not see an option to “Invite Hannah to Connect”. If you can offer any assistance, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

@LauraVesely - so you have gone to your scout in, then clicked on edit profile and scrolled to the bottom of that page and there was no invite button ?

Your daughter already has access to Scoutbook. She needs to use her ID to log in. I’ll send you a private message with her ID. Look for a green circle with white number on top of the purple circle with white L in the upper right corner of your forum window then click on it.

Yes, exactly. The bottom of the Edit Profile tab is the following:

BSA Member#
User ID
School Grade
School Name
OA Member
Talent Release

I do not see anything else.

Thank you. Yes, she has an account and ID. She is just not receiving any messages from her patrol or troop. The troop leader advised that it is because we (her parents) need to update her permissions to invite her to connect. I just don’t see that option.

She has already been invited to connect. She last logged in to the Scoutbook account at 9:14 Central this morning.

Her e-mail address in the system is her ID plus If this is correct, check her spam folder.

A Troop Admin needs to make sure that all parents of the Scouts in the patrol are connected to all of the other Scouts with View Profile permissions in order for Scoutbook’s messaging system to work.

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