(request for help) merge 2 BSA IDs together

Hi. I have an original BSA ID when I was myself a scout (with recent completed training attached to it) and my wife created a new BSA ID for me when my son joined cub scouts last year. I’d like to merge both together but am unable to do so through myscouting app and website. Would appreciate any assistance and guidance on how to do so or if one of the forum moderators can help me.

My original BSA ID I (with all recent completed training) is 110328782.

The new BSA ID linked to my son’s active membership is 14801218.

My preference would be to keep my original BSA ID as primary and connect my new BSA ID to it or deprecate the new BSA ID.

Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance.

@AYC5289 gonna be best to use the new one as it is attached to your scout - otherwise you will have to get council to to do it and I am not sure they could as it is from another council - neither will be deleted one will just be marked primary. Do you want the Google login or the username to remain?

Thank you Donovan for the fast follow up. Let’s go with your recommendation and let’s keep the Google login. I was just nervous I had to complete all my training again but if approach preserves everything I am good with it. Thank you for your help

No, the training will merge to the new MID

@AYC5289 OK you are set - I did force your legal first name on that account (you can add your preferred name under edit profile) - but that way when you decide to be a leader it is less likely you will get another number. Training should be visible later today

Awesome. Thank you Donovan for the assistance


@AYC5289 looks like the training merge is complete

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