Request to resolve duplicate account in scoutbook


I had a parent/volunteer from another unit try to add me a connection as a merit badge counselor, but apparently did it in a way that I was accidentally added to a Pack (I think the scout was just crossed over). I have asked them to delete me from their unit, which they have, but since that point I have gotten a message upon logging in that there is another user using my email address. Can you remove whatever account they added? The correct one should have a connection with T417 Council 441.

John Eric Fosler-Lussier

@JohnFosler-Lussier This should be fixed.

Also have same issue , there are two accounts and one has email id and other do not
able to login to only one and for other account do not have any information

Can I get the only one account and sort out all issues ?

@PankajThorat post the BSA#s on the accounts or the Scoutbook User IDs - both are under Edit Profile

@PankajThorat This should be fixed.

Please log in with your my.scouting user name – not your e-mail address. Your e-mail address is associated with a different BSA member number.

I got my userID and I tried forgot password , but didn’t receive any email to reset pwd.
not sure even I have email linked to that account.

I would like to keep only account with my email id
other account we can delete , not sure if u can post the member id here

@PankajThorat I just requested a password reset for you for your user name that is not the e-mail address.

Please log in at my.scouting and double-check your address and other info. The BSA associated with your registered position is 13589707.

Thank you
Looks like I have now 3 MemberId
129643556 , 13078374 and 13589707 , hope all link to same account

13078374 not sure to which council it’s associated

@PankajThorat 13078374 was deleted and no longer in use.

I have set 13589707 as “primary”. 129643556 is from when you were a Tiger Adult Partner.

You should be all fixed now.

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