Roster Builder with Adult training

When I print out an Adult roster with training using the Roster Builder in Scoutbook there is a lot more training listed for the Adults in our Troop than what is showing when I print out a report from My Trained Leaders Status.

Why is there such a discrepancy?

@CD32 - The training report from scoutbook should match MYST with scoutbook listing the full name and course number while the MYST report shows the course number.

The My.Scouting report only shows training for registered positions - so things like Woodbadge, or Trek Safely would never show

Yes… I stand corrected.

@CD32 - now that I look at the pack leaders, I have two who show incomplete even though they took the classroom Den Leader training and YPT at 100%

Did they take it in-council? Out-of-council training probably won’t show up under their BSA ID properly.

In council, i uploaded screen shots in my post

Well Scoutbook really does not track Training - My.scouting is the place for that officially

Then why is there a Trained Leader Status option in the Scoutbook Troop Reports? And the training option in Roster builder also in Scoutbook

i updated my first post with pictures of the same person.

We have had multiple requests to report on the training of parents of Scouts in the unit. only reports training for registered leaders, not parents and it only reports training required for the position. For example, in a pack, it is important to know who is BALOO trained since at least one BALOO trained leader but attend all pack campouts. There could be a parent that is BALOO trained but not a leader in the pack. This individual could fulfill the BALOO requirement.

The person I showed in my first post is registered with the troop. She is a parent and a Committee Member

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