SB says record is in sync with the national BSA but scout is not in IA 2.0 roster

My original report with details is here: SB says record is in sync with the national BSA database but scout is not in IA 2.0 roster - #6 by edavignon

Has this been fixed already? Couldn’t find it in the change log


I created a test Scout and the sync icon did not appear. For a real Scout that is in the database but not on your roster, the sync icon will appear because the Scout is in the database. It appears you can still approve advancement for this Scout which is incorrect.

I’ll discuss this with the development team.

Thank you for your response Ed, my experience was slightly different in that I entered directly into Scout Book two scouts who’s names I’m fairly certain are not in our Council database and their sync icon appeared a few minutes after being added. We will have scouts entering from either other councils, new boy scouts just starting and are not on any roster yet, and cubs crossing over. It usually takes a few months until the scouts appear in our council roster (my scouting). We wanted to know that advancements were being synced and when they weren’t it was an indicator that we have to follow up with registration etc. Currently we’re using internet advancements and it is clear when the user is not in our IA roster that we need to follow up with registration or track down why they’re not in the roster and we hold those advancements until they finally appear. I’d like my advancement coordinator to only have to use one tool. We can cross reference with IA to see if the scout is there and their advancements are recorded but at that point I’ll probably just have the advancement coordinator continue to use IA until this is resolved.

If you have a bug# I can refer to in the future that would be great.


The official roster is Member Manager at You should be using that to validate that a Scout has or has not been moved to your unit.

Is your unit and council set up to use online registration for youth new to your unit? If so it should only take a few days for the youth to be added to the BSA member database. Adult participants and adult volunteers can take longer, usual 1-4 weeks for background checks to complete.

I suspect most councils are requiring pack to troop transfers to be handled by the council registrar. Those may take time to do.

We are set up with online registration. The delay is sometimes due to parents taking a while to register.

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