Logged into scoutbook and we are showing no scouts??? HELP! Is there something going on with the system that I wasnt aware of?
Sounds like your recharter has not been processed.
We have had the same thing happen. We have completed our rechartering. Who do we need to contact? It was mentioned that we contact the scout book help desk, Would you happen to know how I go about that. I cannot find the contact information, it keeps taking me back to the forums.
Dawn Ewing
Troop 3373
@DawnEwing you need to contact council on recharter issues - if you have BSA #s for a scout that disappeared you can post here and we can investigate.
Thank you. But all of our boys disappeared (one being my son BSA#131921499 no names please).
Thank you. I have been speaking with Sally Richardson through e-mail to hopefully get this fixed.
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