Scout Dropped From SB Roster a Second Time, But Has Valid Registration on ScoutNet

For the second time, Scoutbook has dropped 133253888 from our roster with message
“DateEnded by SP ExpireInvalidYouthUPsCreatedinSB after 120 Day Lapse”
in the notes on the Membership Entry.

I just verified on my.scouting (again) that he does have an active, valid registration in our unit.

Yes, the membership entries are a mess :wink: When he was dropped previously, I went in and added a new membership rather than scanning the old ones and “un-ending” previous one that had been ended by the system.

What do we need to do to prevent this happening a third time (in 120 days)??

Thanks in advance,

Scouter Rob


I’ll look into this.


Everything looks correct in the DBs from what I can see. The Scout should not disappear again.

OK, Ed, thanks! Something ended him on 26 April…I just un-ended that membership (erased the End Date), and now awaiting DB sync, as he is showing with message

Scout has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.

I suspect this will disappear at the next sync…

Will advise. Thanks!


Try going to the Scout’s membership for your troop, clearing the approve check box and clicking Update then go back, set the approve check box and click update.

Yes, that did it… thanks!

Now we wait 120 days for a repeat :stuck_out_tongue:

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