Scout mislabeled?

Pack discovered many scouts had not had their previous ranks awarded.
Moved them scouts back, awarded the rank, using the date of the last picnic (8/31).
Moved the Scouts back to correct den. From AOL to Webelos back to AOL.
When we look at the Scout in SB+ at the roster, he shows in the AOL den, but as a Webelos Member. MID is 136765585
Don’t stop there. When I look at his Profile page, it says “Current Adventure 2022 rank version” with no way to change that. BUT, when I click on VIEW MORE next to AOL, it shows 2024 version. And the blue box saying he can’t work on AOL because he is a Webelos.

The person I am working with is going to look at each scout to see who else is weird like this.

Thanks for the guidance, as always.

Marian McQuaid
Spirit of Adventure Council

Fast changes do not work - give it 24 hours - otherwise you will need to move back a den - wait 24 hours then move forward and wait again

@MarianMcQuaid - this may be a left field thing but I would have them check the membership section in scoutbook on the scouts in question to see if they have two current memberships… one in webelos and one in AOL.

This was done on 10/6. I will tell him to put one scout back. wait 24 hrs, then move him back.
by the time that happens, I will be on vacation!
Thanks Donovan!


Hi Stephen
Oh, good one! I will have him look.


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