We have a newly crossed over scout that is not in messaging. His dad connected with him and the scout can access scoutbook on his own. He initially went in using the Google login feature but has since used the traditional login. His father says he can access scoutbook. I can not see him in the messaging section. Any ideas? 2 BSA ID# - maybe?
what is BSA #? @RobertEberhart
135300734 @DonovanMcNeil
this scout has never been invited or logged in
Thank you. I will verify with the dad.
well I would look at account with him - he might not understand
I was working on the wording of the email to indicate just such a thing. I am sure that something has been lost in the process for the family. Really appreciate the quick turn around from you. A big round of applause. Thanks.
You could point them to the parent’s guide here:
The instructions for inviting a scout to connect to their account are all the way at the bottom.
You and I are on the same page. I included that link asking him if this was the process he used and also if we could sit down to share screens if needed. Funny, I send that link to all the parents that have not connected with their scouts. The help pages help them and me. I don’t need to answer every single question that comes up. I just direct them to the help section.
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