Scouts disappeared from Roster on Scoutbook but are in

I have 2 scouts who appear in our Troop Roster in but they have disappeared completely in Scoutbook. Our charter has been renewed and everyone has been paid for.

I was in touch with our local Council about this issue. They could not solve it and they recommended I post here.

I am concerned because I can not record any advancements for these scouts since they are not appearing in scoutook.

@DanaTretola you can post BSA#s (no names) and we can look

Thank you


@DanaTretola both scouts are part of a bug that is being investigated

Thank you for letting me know

I am having the same issue with one of our Scouts. Their BSA# is 140787240


This Scout is being affected by a known bug that is being investigated.

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Thank you! Do you know if there will be a notification or anything when it’s been fixed or will they just possibly show back up at some point?


There will be a notice in the Change Log when the issue has been fixed.

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Our Pack is having the same issue…can you please confirm if this child’s bsa Id is on on the list being looked into?


@LianneRutty that scout has the same bug

thanks for the update - guess its back to paper and pencil for now…