Scout parent locked out forgot password

Hi, Could I have some assisting a parent who has forgotten their password? They have tried many times to login to either My.Scouting or Scoutbook and locked themselves out. Their BSA ID is 131187765

Actually, she hasn’t been able to logon successfully for almost a year and thinks she might have an old email in the My.Scouting account before the SingleSignOn was rolled out. Pls verify the correct email is the gmail account not the other one.

Hope someone can help,

The Account was locked do to too many bad passwords - I unlocked it - I suggest she go to and use the BOT (bottom right) to change her password

Thank you for the quick reply. I have relayed the message.

I have a parent with the same problem. but when trying to change the password, she gets an email to reset… then a message saying it has expired. What can I do ?

council can change the password @MichaelSims - usually

thank you. I’ll try that route.

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