My daughter has earned her Eagle and turned 18 and now it is time to Recharter. She wants to continue with the troop as an ASM, but I can’t figure out how to do an adult application online for her since she already has an account. She doesn’t want to transfer membership to a different troop, so that feature doesn’t help either - how do you switch an account from youth to adult after they turn 18? Do we have to submit an adult application on ye olde paper to the council? Or is there a way to do it online?
@TiffanyOlson1 - i would suggest you talk to your council. Some do not allow online adult applications
I believe you need a paper application if doing it outside of recharter. Not sure if it is possible within recharter.
@TiffanyOlson1 - it would be a remove from charter then add from application
This conversion, like the senior scout programs’ conversion from “youth” to “adult participant” is still a paper application, even though these days it is a scanned copy of the signed paper application, signed CBC form, and proof of YPT all sent to council for processing.
These were all great answers!! Thanks
I came looking for the same question. It’s such a frequent occurrence that a youth ages out and becomes registered in the same unit in an adult position. We’re 100% digital now with online youth and adult applications, but our council registrar is telling me that she needs a paper application to move the youth to adult. Why when we’re all online applications has National not put a mechanism in to more easily accomplish this? They should be able to log into their unexpired my.scouting account, take YPT, then go to the unit application, fill-in any additionally needed information as an adult, submit online, then the COR receive it like any other online adult application and assign them into a position like usual. When the registrar gets it from the COR approval, then the account is upgraded to adult from youth (same as the register would do from paper). This seems so commonsense and such a frequently needed task, so why hasn’t it been implemented yet?
I’m hoping someone can respond with a workaround that has been successful in not needing to submit the paper (or digital of paper) and that they’ve been able to just do it all in the registration system.
Some states require additional things that the BSA does not in order to register as an adult leader. Councils must follow state law. If your Council requires a paper application, then that is what you must do. There are no workarounds.
In addition to @edavignon’s point, keep in mind that the SUAC volunteers here don’t have a pathway to the folks who manage the registration system. All requested changes and bug fixes for that have to be passed up the chain by the professional scouters at your home council. They have processes to provide feedback and request improvements to the registration system.
@edavignon, I’m sorry if this wasn’t clear. We do require additional clearances in our state, but that is not the limiting factor here. We are already 100% online applications and adult applications are completed online and then automatically queued awaiting the register to verify state clearances after BSA checks at National.
The issue I’m asking about here is to determine if there is a known way to promote a youth to adult utilizing the existing online system. It would seem that the Registrar can take the youth and assign them into an adult position with authority of the COR, but the youth receives this error message when attempting to complete the usual online application.
Have any other councils here in the forum been successful with a process to promote youth to adult using the existing online system? I feel that we’re missing something because moving a youth to adult is one of the most common occurrences for adult applications, yet it doesn’t seem like we’re able to do this without reverting back to paper! It may just be a lack of technical understanding of the system and functionality on ours and the registrar’s part.
A youth cannot simply be moved to an adult. An adult application is required. If your Council wants this done via paper then that is what you must do. It could be they are wanting a paper application so that an additional registration fee is not charged. You may be able to wait until the Scout’s membership expires to register them electronically as an adult.
Only your Council can help you solve this issue. Even if other Councils have a way to register a youth moving to adult leader electronically, it typically takes a long time for Councils to change their processes. If you want to get this youth registered as an adult quickly, do what the Council is telling you and send in a paper application.
This is not the right venue for this conversation it is totally a council issue - if council thinks it is a problem they can open a ticket with national for a resolution or investigation
If anyone is going to request a ticket, they can make note that this was mentioned in the national presentation of the renewal system. The person speaking was someone from the leadership of that area of national. So, it is on their radar as a want, but they did speak as though it was aspirational.
Yes, I’m aware there needs to be an adult application. That’s why I’m seeking a way to do this in the existing online registration system. It’s not that our council WANTS it done by paper, but instead the register has told me that she just doesn’t know the answer of HOW else to do it. It wouldn’t take any time to change the process. I’m on the membership committees and I’m trying to help to build the process that we follow. We recently switched to all online applications including adults, so I’m seeking from others what the best practices are that they are using. Our council has no problem implementing these processes immediately if a solution exists somewhere. I thought that these forums are for discussion so that we help each other.
The registrar searched her information and thinks we just need to do paper, but I’m asking here because this doesn’t make sense when we’re trying to go all paperless and this workflow is something that happens very frequently. Again, I’m helping to build the process for council, so all I’m asking for here is a reply if your council is able to process youth to adult applications online without paper. I don’t need any replies directing a request for council to submit a ticket.
Your registrar can reach out on the national workgroup site where there are other registrars to help answer questions like this.
It is not currently possible. Your council should request this functionality from National.
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