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I have a Webelos Scout whose parents gave access to his records, so he’s got his own account and can mark off his own requirements. He was telling me yesterday that he doesn’t have the option to put anything into the Notepad & Comments section of the requirements. He says that the form is there however the input area is disabled and he can’t input anything to it. As a work around, his dad has been allowing him to put the comments in using his parent account.
I’ve gone in and looked at what I can see and the Scout’s account shows up in the list of people that are allowed to post notes. Has anyone else run into this?
I tested it just now with a troop-level youth account, and didn’t have any trouble entering a note in either rank advancement requirements or in merit badges. Not the same as the Webelos, per se, but it suggests there may be something else going on.
The first question I suspect that the SUAC is going to ask is exactly which adventures is the scout having problems with, and what path did he take to get there (e.g. My Dashboard → My Advancement vs going through a saved link to My Advancement vs using breadcrumbs to get to advancement via his unit). Some of the bugs turn out to be path specific.
Thanks! I’ll contact them to see if I can get that sort of information from them. I suspect that they logged in, went to their Awards, chose their rank, then the adventure, then the requirement, but I’ll confirm. It’s happening on every thing that he’s worked on at home, so “Into the Woods”, the Cyber Chip, and the Pamphlet exercises.
I have no issues leaving comments on his account when I input his resident camp activities.
Just to follow up, the Scout is going into their profile and drilling down to the adventure and specific requirement. They didn’t use a saved link or breadcrumb.
@WilliamRydbom - I would be willing to run a screen share with parents involved to take a look at the issue. If it is during the day 9am-5pm EST use my work email shornak@bloomberg.net or in the evening after 7pm to sjhjr@comcast.net