Scoutbook Advancement Records Formatting

Can you please have someone with BSA fix the output of scouts advancement records from scoutbook? In the last week all the rank data has shrunk and it makes some awkward PDF reports. I’ve had this issue on multiple devices, done hard refresh, restart etc plus attempted multiple times over the last 7 + days.

I am getting the same distorted output whenever I go to print all individual advancement record directly from scoutbook or internet advancement/Scoutbook Plus.

In the past, there would be three ranks on page one, four ranks on page 2, and then other items on page 3 and on (Leadership, eagle palms etc). Now it has super tiny text and no matter what output percentage I select it does not format correctly. Plus it blows up all of the data after rank to huge, distorted proportions.

Please can someone fix this formatting issue?

@STEPHANIESMITH15 - i just tried both reports and they look like they always have. Not at all like you describe. Seems like an issue on your end.

I am still seeing the same thing when pulling advancement records today. This is for the “Scouts BSA Individual Advancement Record” being pulled as report from Scoutbook and from Scoutbook Plus (Internet Advancement)
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The Scouts BSA Individual Advancement Report (IAR) and Scouts BSA History Report (SBHR)are 2 different reports intended for different purposes. The IAR will take a maximum of 2 pages. I have seen the SBHR require 7 pages. If the font used scaling a PDF to 100% is too small for you, you can increase the number at the expense of more pages.

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Those are the same report. I pull these almost weekly for multiple Scouts for the last 3 years. I have played with the scale, but as mentioned prior, it still doesn’t match the prior formatting offered. Also, the data at the end of the report (after rank) gets blown up super large

@STEPHANIESMITH15 This is a newish report. The Scouts BSA individual advancement report replaces the old hard coded individual advancement report (IAR). The old IAR was failing to load because it is generated on the old, old report engine. The one you’re looking at is generated on the newest report engine. This new report engine does automatic wrapping to try and save on wasted paper (and produce reports quicker than “hard coded” versions while allowing dynamic updating of requirements with minimal coding). Due to the automatic wrapping, depending how you adjust the size before you print (first dialogue box before the print dialogue), the overall number of columns and pages is adjusted. An attempt was made to have this report mimic the old IAR report at the 100% or default scaling (it’s not exact, but is close and should be 1-2 pages per scout). The Rank dates, because they are important, were meant to be larger than the other dates for the underlying requirements on this report.

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This is helpful info, but seems a poorly handled update then. Even at 150% it still makes data so small. Also the difference in the MB activity data at the end is such different formatting. Hopefully they will at least improve what they currently have out there.

@STEPHANIESMITH15 I just tried this multiple times and could not reproduce what you are showing. This makes me suspect it is a locale to your computer browser/pdf viewer issue. First, what browser are you using on what operating system? What is the application you are using to open your pdf?

Second, can you try a different browser and see if you have a different result? I’m not sure the developers can program for all scenarios and all versions of every browser, but can see if this is an easy fix or if a more “preferred” browser will be required.

Also, if you can include the ref: id number at the bottom of one of the reports that is showing this, it will help.

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@STEPHANIESMITH15 for reference, this is what I receive from the Scouts BSA IAR run at 100 on Portrait

Operating systems:
Windows 10 Business
Windows 11

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge

Most recent report ID ref: PD-20241001093712-489887-588312

I think I am getting the current output correctly if this is the new option. So at this point it’s really just matching the data after rank to be the same size. Then finding the right percentage when printing.

@STEPHANIESMITH15 I that is what I was trying to show. I think the error with the different font sizes is localized to your browser(s). Every time I have run the report, the font size for the ranks AND the information that follows the ranks is the same. I know EDGE is NOT a preferred browser for Scoutbook. I have provided information to the developers and asked to double check if there is some underlying setting that is causing this issue with your configuration (that they can solve on their end).