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I have a parent with BSA ID who can log into Scoutbook with their my.scouting account. However, the Scoutbook account does not show their BSA ID and they are not linked to their child. I cannot find them in Scoutbook to link them.
BSA ID 14700567
Scoutbook ID 12821814
Can you resolve this by adding the BSA ID in Scoutbook profile?
Please let me know if I should provide the youth’s IDs so you can connect the parent. I’m hoping I’ll be able to do it once the Scoutbook profile is fixed.
14700567 - Lion Adult Partner registration
14700565 - user relationships (parent / child) at my.scouting
Ideally, you would want everything under a single BSA member ID number, and then the parent would be automatically connected in Scoutbook. Your local council should be able to fix this with their Registrar tools.
I have made a connection in Scoutbook between the parent and the Scout, but you will need to go to the Scout’s Connections page, click on the adult’s name, and update the connection type to “parent / guardian”.