I have a parent whose email is incorrect in Scoutbook and we can not seem to figure how to fix it. There is also a guardian who is not currently connected to their scout. Any help would be appreciated.
So, for fixing the parent email, the parent should be able to log into Scoutbook, then click on their My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → Email
Then click on the red link text that says “Internet Advancement Profile Page”, which should take them to their profile.
For the guardian who is not connected to the scout, are they already connected to another scout (or otherwise already in your roster in Scoutbook like as a leader)? If so, a Unit Admin or Key 3/Key 3 Delegate can use Connections Manager at the bottom of the Scoutbook Roster page to make a Read-only connection to the scout. Then, go to the scout’s connections page and change the type of connection to Parent/Guardian. Keep in mind this is a one-way thing, and you can’t undo once done (so be sure it’s the correct person).
The guardian can also make the connection themselves by logging in to their Scoutbook account, then going to
My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Connections
then selecting “Connect to your Scout as a Parent/Guardian”. They will need basic info about the scout, including their BSA Member ID.
Also, if the adults don’t already have a Scoutbook account (that they can log into), they can also try creating an account at my.scouting, but be sure that their information entered matches what was on the new scout application exactly, or else they will end up creating a duplicate account instead of connecting to an existing one.
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