Support MIA for Critical Defects on Multiple ID's is definitely dropping the ball big time on 2 day SLA response on defects impacting Advancement Records for my daughter and my records.

19 Day SLA Breach on SSD-79356 submitted on Sept 3rd for Daughter’s Missing Advancement Records Issue specific to new Member ID from old Atlanta Area Council to new Northeast Georgia Council. Checked JIRA today. No assignment, notes, nada.

SSD-80914 Submitted for an issue where by setting my Member ID as the active id for new Northeast Georgia Council at causes profile, connections to my childrens’ profiles, connection to current pack and connections to previous Atlanta Area Council to dissapear. At present with Member ID from old council, I do not have connections to Central Florida Counil Member Id from when I was a Boy Scout.

See verbiage on response time from JIRA Email:
Please note that issues submitted may take up to two business days for you to be contacted. You may reply to this email if you need to include any additional information, or respond to the Support Team.

There was an issue with Jira not sending out emails. It did send some old updates once the issue was fixed, but it’s possible some were lost entirely. You can send an email to support with the ticket number in the subject and ask for a status update.

Email responses to original JIRA Confirmation sent on Thu 9/19 and Fri 9/20 without response.

This might be something we can solve. Were you using Scoutbook in your former council? Was a new Scoutbook account created in the new council? Does she have anything in her current membership in Scoutbook?

Did you try running the switch sso profile after this? May not help, but it seems worth a try.

The Switch SSO link in permits changing username and password only. Member Id is a fixed value matching the Active Member ID on the profile. There is no means to switch to new Northeast Georgia Member Id through this page.

Attempts to toggle the Northeast Georgia Member ID as active on through legacy tools result in losing all profiles and connection through

Switch sso is supposed to update the member ID, even if you aren’t changing the username and PW. Have you tried it?

Switch SSO on has a read-only field for Member ID at least for my login.’s critical design defect spears to storing this detail linked to the BSA Member Id instead of the username.

This would explain the behavior whereby toggling the active Member Id in results in the disappearance of the following from leaving only a connection to the original council from three decades ago: profile detail, connections to my childrens’ profile, connection to my Pack and connection to last council.

Just so I am clear, the read only member number that shows up there is your old one. Right? If you enter your username and PW and hit submit, it’s supposed to give you a chance to update you member number. Are you saying it didn’t?

Aside from your current positions, you shouldn’t have lost your connections to your kids. It actually sounds like you have two accounts (through no fault of your own). Hopefully, your email to support will be addressed soon.

Are you saying it didn’t? That is correct.

Thanks. We will keep pushing IT to figure this out. It helps us to understand everything you are seeing in order to help other users and report the situation to IT.

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