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Had a scout connected to unit for years no problem. All of a sudden disappears. I see him in VST fine he is a UP as of 1/1/2021. He shows in proper unit. If I look for him in SB it shows as no Council and I cannot access him. When he logs into his account and go to profile page council and district are correct.
I don’t know if this is related or not. I have a number of MBC who show up on the council detail report change email. They seem to have a valid email not shared to any other account. When I look them up in VST I get
I have noticed searching Scoutbook by name, that frequently I find two listings for a person, one with my council, and the other with “No council”. Of course I cannot open/look at the No council entry, but from the find user selection screen, the two entries appear identical, except for the Council field.
Any ideas on how these duplicate “No council” ScoutBook entries are created? And how can we merge them?