Scoutbook history of advancement and merit badges deleted

I just noticed my sons scoutbook history of advancement and merit badges earned have all been deleted. I recently created a separate new scoutbook login username access for my son. Could this possibly be what caused scoutbook history to not display now?


I see all of the advancement for your son in the DB. He needs to log in with the part of his e-mail address before the @.

When he logs in with the part of his email address before the @ none of his history is displayed. Screenshot is below. I now have discovered through my SB login and connections that somehow my son now has a 2nd BSA I’d created. His original ID is 129957224 and somehow a new 2nd ID of 14864394. Have you experienced this before? Is this the cause?

And our advancement chair in our troop advised me that he shows 2 BSA #s for myself one as Bob Baker and one as Robert Baker. The one ID for myself I have is 131886106. I just realized I am not receiving any emails sent via scoutbook. Can you assist with that also?

@RobertBaker7 I will look at it

@RobertBaker7 I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

@RobertBaker7 It looks like your son was registered under a nickname. When he created an account at my.scouting, he used his full name, so the automated system did not find a match, so a new BSA member number was created for him.

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