Scoutbook team,
Why are my scouts being removed from dens? This is not the first time this has happened. Right now, it is showing all dens are empty. Last month, it was just the Bear Den. No one has moved anything on our end.
Why does this keep happening?
Pack 132 FUMCAH
One possibility is that your charter expired and passed the grace period, which ended all scouts’ memberships. Then, the charter was posted, and added unit membership but couldn’t confirm the exact dens.
Looking at the Scout’s records in Scoutbook, it appears the unit’s charter expired on 4/18/22 then was processed by the Council so the Scouts were brought back on 4/23/22.
There are 2 ways you can fix this.
- Go to each Scout’s membership page, select the membership with the correct Den and remove the end date then add an end date on the membership without a den.
- Go to each Den roster page and use the Reassign Den button then select the Scouts that are in that den.
Thank you. Now I understand, and it’s frustrating! I wish there would have been some leniency because this is out of our control with the current issues with rechartering. Even though we had our paperwork in last year, we are still dealing with this! Just makes it more work (for scouts, parents, leaders, etc) on our end.
The BSA issued several extensions for Councils to complete recharters. Councils were warned in early April that as of April 15, anyone not registered would be removed from rosters. Due to the holiday on April 15, this was extended to April 18.
The original extension was for 60 days, then increased to 90 days then finally to April 15 (18).
Not a bug but a process issue at local council
Thank you both. Seems like there is an issue with the Pathway to Adventure Council
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