Scoutbook missing parent/den leader account

When my den leader logs in, it shows she has BSA ID XXXXXX, however she can’t connect to any of her scouts. It gives an error message that she is not connected to them.

When I log in as an Administrator of the Pack account, It shows she is connected to the Scouts however her BSA ID is YYYYYY - completely different number.

When I search on BSA ID XXXXXX (the one she has), Scoutbook tells me the ID number doesn’t exist.

How do I go about fixing this?

Thanks in advance!

Post the BSA #s and we can take a look @StephanieSchuler

Wow, super duper fast response!

XXXXXX = 13256468

YYYYYY = 13518942

@StephanieSchuler fixed - she needs to use her user name and password to sign in - Not her email

Thank you! But I’m not clear on your instructions for Her email and password have been getting her into Scoutbook, although when I just tried after you made the change, it’s not working. I can get into with her email and password, but not Scoutbook

You are not logging into her registered account with email, that is her blank account as a parent - her my.scouting user name is kristibl - she needs to use that with her password

OK, gotcha.Thanks again for such quick help!

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